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Cooking freezes at the beginnig


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Hi all,

I bought RW Enhancer 2 a week ago.
But at the third level ‘Cooking required assets’, the programme freezes immediately. Even after hours, 0% is still displayed.

I had already asked RW Enhancer about this, but my two enquiries have so far gone unanswered.
Has anyone also had this problem?
What can I do so that I can finally use the programme?

Many thanks and best regards,

RW Enhancer 2 - Cooking freezes.png

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Well, I've just tested something else.
So far I've installed the program on the disk where RW is. But here, it doesn't work at all.
I've now installed the programme on the system disk and it works... partly.
So either the program needs to be revised, or users need to be forced to install on the system disk, C.

Now the programme starts to work, but at about 39% closes without further comment. The window is closed and the program is no longer in the Task Manager.
Nothing of the work already done is saved.

So it's still not possible to work with Enhancer 2.


Bon, je viens encore de texter autre chose.
Jusqu'à présent j'avais installé le programme sur le disque où se trouve RW. Mais là, ça ne fonctionne pas du tout.
J'ai maintenant installé le programme sur le disque système et là, ça marche... en partie.
Il faudrait donc, soit revoir le progralle, soit forcer les utilisateurs d'installer sur le disuqe système, soit C.

Maintenant, le programme commence à travailler, lmais à environ 39% se ferme sans autre commentaire. La fenêtre est partier et le programme ne se trouve plus dans le Task-Manager.
Rien du travail déjà effectue n'est enregistré.

Alors, toujours pas possible de travailler avec Enhancer 2.

Edited by LeFagnard
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I am no expert, but mine does work perfectly - however I did find in the early days that a few add-ons were causing issues.  After removal all was fine.  Problem is that it was so long ago I cannot remember what they were!   I use my RWE2 on a secondary full copy, not the Steam version - though you have to have that on the computer or RWE2 will not work.   (I was involved with testing for a developer a few years ago hence running a second copy)
I suppose that it is possible that the very latest Railworks version has something quirky in it which doesnt like RWE2.  Just a thought, but the developer might have some thoughts.

My RW folder is 346GB.  I was advised to not have  'Try to load corrupted TS content' checked as that did cause issues with some of my modified files.

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