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  1. Hello together, I´ve a question, since some days ago there is this new programme LossLessScaling on steam. When I use it without RW Enhancer 2 it works fine and the game feels much smoother, but today I tried to play with RW Enhancer 2 and I have the feeling it does not really work together with this new programme. Perhaps it´s because there are now two overlays running together with the TS. It would be great if you can find a solution to run RW Enhancer 2 and LossLessScaling together. Thank you and many greetings Michael
  2. Hello, since today my RW Enhancer 2 always crashes during the cooking at 37%. Perhaps anybody does have a solution for this problem. Thank you for your help and best greetings debug.log Edit: The problem is solved by a complete new installation
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